
Saturday, October 15, 2011

can't help..

                 guess my recent posts are totally out of my blog's theme, <play and fun>.
                                               guess many of you (maybe no one) will start wondering,
               what happened to you?!
i felt no appetite at all these days.
my heart is like a scrambled waste paper.
can't breathe most of the time.
i din have such situation before,
i hope this is the first and last,
i don't know how long i can bear with it,
i don't know when will i collapse,
i don't know


  1. Dear, trust me.... it will be okay. Once u start work another life begins. I feel like this too every now and then. Very torturing. Can't help it either. Im not sure if you relationship is bothering u in anyway, but watheheck, do remember...ditch all that makes u unhappy. U deserved better... My fav gal, bruised, left in the lurch, but it's okay. I'm with u. cross my heart~
